Sunday 9 August 2015

                                           "We are all going to the Zoo." 

Room 4 enjoyed an amazing day at Auckland Zoo.  The weather was kind and we saw almost every animal in the zoo.  Our favourites were the Red Panda, Tuatara, Elephants, Kiwi's, Alligators and not forgetting Harold the Peacock. 

We were also very interested to learn more about adaptations. Riley Rose and Lillia noticed that the Kiwi has a few special adaptations, such as nostrils at the end of its long bill and no wings as it is a flightless bird. It also has hollow bones and runs along he forest floor at night.  

Room 4


  1. HI room 4 .I really like going to the zoo.Because I really want to see animals and want to learn about them.I really like eleaphants but crocodiles not that much . I like going to swim in the sea and go for trips .I would like to see a lion sometime . from jordana

  2. Wow! What beautiful animals. It looks like you had an exciting day at the zoo. Did you feed the elephant? What was your favourite animal there? I wonder...did you do any cool writing about the zoo? Maybe you could blog it!

  3. HI room 4 .I really like going to the zoo.Because I really want to see animals and want to learn about them.I really like eleaphants but crocodiles not that much . I like going to swim in the sea and go for trips .I would like to see a lion sometime . from jordana
