Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Milo Muffin Morning

Rimu Team held a successful fundraiser this morning by selling muffins and milo to the children of Owairaka School.  It was fun to have a mid-morning snack of banana muffins and hot milo, a real boost to the energy.  A big thank you to Ms Christianson for all her organisation and to the parents who volunteered their time to make this happen.

The children of Room 4 would also like to thank our sponsors for providing the ingredients needed to provide the muffins and milo.

Rimu Team

Would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support.
Mt Roskill
Mt Roskill
Parent Helpers

1 comment:

  1. Hello Owairaka School

    I like that you have a lot of sponsors to help you with your learning.
    Milo Muffin Morning sounds like a great idea but in my school we have breakfast club instead.
    What else do you do in your school?

    Keep up the good work,

    By Tristan @Christ the King
