Thursday, 31 May 2018

Cuboid, Double Numbers and Pattern Maths

Room 4 as part of their maths rotation used  problem solving skills to solve various problems with cubes, patterning and double numbers to 12. Well done Room 4, it was great to see you all sharing your ideas.


Kiwiball in Room 4

Room 4 enjoyed the last 4 weeks learning the basics of Baseball. They had a great time and learned some awesome skills. Positive team work was also a central theme. Well done Room 4.  

Hi 5 Coach!

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Milo Muffin Morning

Rimu Team held a successful fundraiser this morning by selling muffins and milo to the children of Owairaka School.  It was fun to have a mid-morning snack of banana muffins and hot milo, a real boost to the energy.  A big thank you to Ms Christianson for all her organisation and to the parents who volunteered their time to make this happen.

The children of Room 4 would also like to thank our sponsors for providing the ingredients needed to provide the muffins and milo.

Rimu Team

Would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support.
Mt Roskill
Mt Roskill
Parent Helpers


Owairaka enjoyed the Iwi the Kiwi show this week. The show had a focus on the sea and how to protect our fish and birds whilst fishing. The children sang  some great songs and learned lots of information in the process. They may well come home and tell you lots of facts and tips about fishing, protection of sea life and water safety.

Term 2 in Room 4

Welcome to Term 2

Room 4 have settled well into the new term.  We have been busy practising for the Rimu production "Honey" which is taking place in week 9.

In Room 4 we are learning a dance for the Queen Bee song and are having great fun with this. The children have based their dance on the natural dance of bees in the hive. So if your child comes home and is wiggling and jiggling  you will know why.