Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Bee Production

Room 4 is having fun dressing up and performing in the Rimu Production.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Bee Maths

Did you know  that bees are probably the oldest mathematicians on the planet?  They are natural inventors of tessellating patterns used in Geometry.

They use the hexagon shape to create their honeycomb, which is the storage cupboard for the honey and the baby bees to grow. 

It is an amazing space saving design, which has been copied in modern architecture and in aerodynamics.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Green Week and Bees, Bees, Bees

Room 4 have been learning lots and lots about Honey Bees. They have loved following Maddie the Bee Keeper on Youtube. Did you know that Bees don't sleep. Bees also use their tiny wings for air conditioning and their muscles for heating, depending on the temperature. Bees are also amazing mathematicians. But more of that next week.....

Image result for images of bees