Monday, 6 June 2016


Room 4 enjoying their weekly cordination excersises.  PMP stands for  Perpetual  Motion Programme. It is designed to excercise, strengthen and balance  left and right co-nordiation. The children love the different challenges and it is definitely the  high light of their week.

Samoan Language Week in Room 4

In Room 4 we had a morning of Samoan Language with Jadarose's Mum. They learned to count to ten and the names for head, knees, toes, ears, nose, eyes and mouth.  They also had the chance to try on Samoan artefacts and ate pancakes for morning tea 

A big thank you to Jadarose's mum for giving her time to Room 4. They had a fantastic morning and learned so much.

Mini Beast Fun with Room 16

Room 4 and 16 had a creative time making Mini Beasts out of clay.
The children used diagrams as a guide to help them. Their creations looked very life like and were anatomicaly accurate. 

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Snails Snails and even more Snails.

Room 4 have been learning about Mini Beasts. This week they have being getting up close with Nicolas's and Caleb's Snails.
As part of their learning they have been also making clay models and drawing diagrams of Snails.