Monday, 28 November 2016

Grandparent Art

Earlier this year Room 4 painted pictures of their Grandparents as part of a National Compitition. Drea's painting was selected to be published in a book called " Grandparents Talk" We were all very proud of Drea and I am sure she will always remember the day she first saw her painting in print.  Well done Drea, you are famous.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Well done Madalin

Madalin from Room 4 came 3rd in the 6 Year old girls sprints last Friday. She was awarded her rosette and certificate today and was very proud of her achievment. Well done Madalin you ran like the wind.

Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition

Today Room 4 had a treat when Parker's Mum told them a musical story. This time it was "Picures at an Exhibition' by Mussorgsky. 

The children then drew imaginary castles as they listened to the music. It was exciting to see all the variations and their creativity. Some of the inhabitants of the castles were very unique. Ranging from Dragons to giant meat eating plants.

The children also had a go at playing the Tuba and the Trumpet. They are getting really good at this now and are confidently blowing into the instruments mouth pieces.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Parker Taking Action

Parker from Room 4 has been out and about in his local park picking up rubbish. He managed to fill at least two bags full of rubbish. Parker noticed that there was a lot of Big Ben pie wrappers included in the rubbish. 

 Parker was concerned over this so he took the Bull by the horns and wrote a letter to Big Ben pies noting his concerns. 

It is great that Parker was taking his own action to help our local environment and en-devouring to sort out a problem.  Well done Parker.

Thursday, 27 October 2016


We have been working hard to learn how to count in tens past 100. We made a dice game to help us understand the forward and backward sequence of the decade numbers. 


Room 4 have been listening to Radio NZ audio stories. They have just finished enjoying stories about flight and the sky. To celebrate the close of this theme they made kites of various designs and creations. We all had a great time flying them out on the school field.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Making 100 Maths

Room 4 have been making 100 out of groups of 20,10 , 5 and 2. The children brought items in from home to make their 100 displays. Thank you parents for helping your children collect what they needed  for their Maths afternoon.

Owairaka Olympics

What an amazing event organised by our very special Mr Presnal. Owairaka united for their own Olympic Games and what an amazing morning unfolded. Children enjoyed a variety of activities ranging from throw the Gum Boot to Aerobics. 

Room 4 represented Russia and joined together with Room 16 their Buddy Class. There was a opening procession and an Olympic Torch to get the event rolling. I think both children and certainly the teachers were exhausted by the end of the games.